7 Genius Things You Don’t Know About RChilli Resume Parser

by Snehil Sharma

RChilli is committed to creating future-ready products for its users. It works with its customers as a partner and not just a vendor. I know you must be thinking what is so unique about RChilli and what makes it better than its competitors.

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Let's list seven genius things the RChilli resume parser that makes it a leader in the HR Tech industry. 

1. Multi-lingual Resume Parser

RChilli resume parser supports parsing of multiple languages. Our resume parser auto-identifies the languages of resumes and quickly extracts the data. 

Listing the languages that RChilli resume parser supports: 


Portuguese (Brazilian)





Chinese (Simplified)




28 Europass format languages

2. Configurable Data Fields

RChilli provides an option to enable/disable data fields as per users' requirements. This is an excellent feature to use if recruiters want to eliminate bias from their recruitment process. RChilli resume parser allows recruiters to disable data fields that can cause bias, e.g., name, gender, age, etc. 

This feature's power is that it gives no place to favoritism and helps in shortlisting deserving candidates.

Also Read: RChilli Launches an Exclusive Configuration Feature 

        3. Document Template Creation

Our resume parser saves the parsed data in a document template to add uniformity in the presentation. It helps in masking resumes before sending to the client.

4. Document Summary Creation

Our resume parser can create an easy executive or management summary for recruiters. Recruiters can easily evaluate a candidate by reading this summary.

5. Real-time Parsing

The average parsing speed of RChilli resume parser is 300 ms. It extracts data from resumes very quickly and delivers the results in a structured format.

6. Email Inbox Parsing

 RChilli resume parser has this feature that allows recruiters to fetch resumes from single or multiple email addresses. 

         7. Bulk Upload

This feature of RChilli resume parser helps recruiters to parser multiple resumes in one go. 

Soon, parsing technology will become necessary for all businesses. Here in  RChilli, we have very reasonable and customized plans for our clients that help them achieve remarkable results and increase their ROI.

Are you interested to know the resume parser pricing plans?

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