5 Tips to Make the New Normal an Amazing Time for Employer Branding

by Navjot Kaur

Candidates_and_employees_in_control_of_your_employer_branding_2-1Everyone is waiting to experience the new normal post COVID-19.

Organizations are utilizing the best of their resources to come out from the Coronavirus setback. At this time, the main concern of every organization is recovery from the loss incurred due to this pandemic. However, HR professionals are also looking for methods to boost the presence of their employer brand. 

Let’s check out how you can improve your employer branding efforts in the new normal.

  • Artificial Intelligence is the Need of the Hour

Candidate experience is the key towards improving your employer brand. There is no other option better than AI that can enhance the candidate experience. 

Candidates expect an instant reply from recruiters. But it is practically impossible for recruiters to reply to every single candidate. This results in poor candidate experience. Take the help of technology to resolve this issue. Chatbots can share this work of recruiters by instantly addressing queries of the candidates. It is not just the queries; chatbots can also pre-screen candidates by asking questions related to their resume.

Apart from addressing queries quickly, you can also improve the candidate experience by using a resume parser. Candidates will be happy if they can apply for a job on the go. With a resume parser, they only need to upload their resume, and all data fields will be automatically filled by the resume parser. This is done by extracting resume data and saving it in data fields like education, experience, skills, etc. 

  • Explore the Power of Social Media

Choose the right social media platform that can connect you with the right audience. Organizations are making use of social media to promote their content, such as job posts, work culture, videos, etc. to engage talent. There are multiple options at social channels to promote your content and attract the candidates. This will have a positive impact on your employer brand.

  • Give Importance to Flexibility

The 9 to 5 work culture is over now. Especially with the presence of Coronavirus, candidates expect flexible working hours and work from home options. Millennials and Gen Z mostly prefer to work from home or at the hours suitable to them. 


Embracing the new normal offers a unique opportunity to enhance your employer branding. You can build a resilient and attractive employer brand by leveraging these five tips—focusing on transparency, fostering a positive culture, embracing flexibility, prioritizing employee well-being, and leveraging digital platforms.

Adapting to these changes strengthens your brand and positions your organization as an employer of choice in the competitive job market. Trust these strategies to navigate the evolving landscape and create a thriving workplace attracting top talent.

It is important to make the new normal rewarding for your brand. Use these tips to boost your employer brand. 

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