A Complete Guide to Resume Screening

by Vinay Johar

Resume screening is the process of finding the most suitable candidate for the job role based on information captured from resumes including experience, skills, education, and other information.

resume parser to screen resumes

What is the most time-consuming part of hiring candidates?

The answer is resume screening.

Do you know a recruiter spends on average 23 hours screening resumes for a single hire?

Most of the recruiters feel that screening candidates is the hardest part of their job.

Advancement in recruitment technology is bringing automation into your system to help you in screening candidates with ease.

You might want to know how technology can help recruiters in screening resumes.

Check out this article to know everything about resume screening.

What is Resume Screening?

To fill up a job opening, you need to have qualified candidates. Shortlisting candidates from their resumes based on their qualification, experience, education, etc. is called resume screening. In simple words, it is all about matching qualifications of candidates with the job requirements.

What Challenges Do Recruiters Face in Resume Screening?

If recruiters shorten the recruitment process, they end up getting unqualified candidates. And if they work on getting qualified candidates, they spend a lot of time in finding them.

Thus, time to fill and quality hiring are the two areas that get affected the most.

Let’s talk in detail:

  • Quality Hiring

A traditional ATS can reduce the volume of resumes but cannot determine the quality of talent. With limited functionality, an ATS does not have a strong screening function. Thus, recruiters look for various software tools which can enhance the functionality of an ATS and make screening effective.

  • Volume

How do you handle a large volume of resumes?

You might receive hundreds of resumes for a single job opening. How do you decide which are the right ones?

Going through hundreds of resumes one by one is practically impossible. In this process, either you lose quality resumes or choose unqualified candidates. The number of resumes is directly related to time to fill. The more the resumes, the longer it will take to close a job.  

The only solution for this challenge is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), which comes with the right technology.

How Can Technology Help in Resume Screening?

AI is showing a remarkable transformation in streamlining the recruitment process. This HR category brings automation into focus and eliminates time-consuming activities, which include screening resumes manually.

By using the latest AI with your applicant tracking system, you can not only screen the right fit but also shorten your time to fill a job post.

One such example is a resume parser. A resume parser helps in extracting candidate details from resumes and saves the same in data fields. Resume parsing is an amazing technology which allows you to screen candidates based on education, experience, qualifications, etc.

You also have the choice to switch on/off data fields and get the information you require. This is a fantastic feature of a resume parser. Apart from hiring candidates of your choice and requirements, you can also remove unconscious bias from your recruitment process. Simply switch off the fields, namely date of birth, age, gender, marital status, religious faith, candidate image, etc.

Also, parse resumes in any document format (doc, docx, pdf, html, rtf) and explore the power of a resume parser.

Apart from simplifying the recruitment process, a resume parser eliminates manual intervention and saves time and efforts of the recruiters.  

Resume screening is a critical yet time-consuming part of the hiring process, with recruiters spending an average of 23 hours per hire. Traditional methods often fall short in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, but advancements in recruitment technology are changing the game.

AI-powered tools like resume parsers are revolutionizing resume screening by automating the extraction and analysis of candidate information. These tools help recruiters handle large volumes of resumes, reduce time to fill positions, and ensure quality hiring by focusing on relevant qualifications. Additionally, they offer features to minimize unconscious bias, further enhancing the recruitment process.

Are you interested to know more about resume parser? Schedule a call with us.


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