Top 7 Benchmarks for Comparing Resume Parsing Technology

by Navjot Kaur

Resume parsing technology (4)Are you looking for a perfect resume parser?

Which factors do you consider while buying a resume parser? 

or let me put it in another way.

Are you using a resume parser?

Is your current resume parsing provider fulfilling all the benchmarks?

If you would like to automate your recruitment process and offer an amazing candidate experience, choosing the right technology is the key. Because using a solution provider that meets the standards, ensures higher ROI and productivity.

Let me talk about the top 7 benchmarks that you must consider while comparing resume parsing technology.


1. Parsing Speed

Automation will do wonders for you if you use the best technology available. Your resume parser should quickly parse the resumes to help you fasten the recruitment process.

Average parsing speed of RChilli’s resume parser is 300ms. 


2. Number of Fields for Codifying Data

Some parsers show the extracted data in a limited number of fields such as education, experience, qualification, etc. This will not serve the purpose unless you get complete information in all fields. Choose a parser that parses your resumes in maximum data fields.

RChilli extracts candidate data from the resumes and saves in 200+ data fields.


3. Languages and Countries Accommodated

While looking for the best resume parser, you must ensure that it offers multi-lingual and regional support. Parsing resumes in various languages will help you hire candidates from across the globe.

RChilli is offering parsing in 40+ languages* and offers full parsing in the following languages:

1. English 13. French 25. Croatian
2. German 14. Spanish 26. Czech
3. Polish 15. Turkish 27. Slovak
4. Portuguese 16. Italian 28. Slovenian
5. Dutch 17. Chinese (Simplified) 29. Greek
6. Japanese 18. Russian  
7. Arabic (Right to Left) 19. Danish  
8. Swedish 20. Romanian  
9. Korean 21. Hebrew  
10. Thai 22. Hungarian  
11. Ukrainian 23. Norwegian  
12. Indonesian 24. Vietnamese  


4. Resume Sources/Formats Covered

There are instances when candidates send you resumes in different file formats such as doc, docx, pdf, etc. Some parsers have a limitation that they are unable to parse resumes of all file formats. Consider this aspect while buying a resume parser.

RChilli parses resumes of all file formats such as doc, docx, pdf, HTML, RTF, etc.


5. Data Security

It is important to know that your data remains secure with the resume parsing provider. After the introduction of the GDPR law, the companies have the right to keep their information secure. Choose a resume parser that offers complete data security.

Read the complete details of data security offered by RChilli. It does not store any Personal Identifiable Information.


6. Pricing

Do you compare the pricing of various resume parsers? Pricing is a crucial factor that influences your buying decision. Many resume parsers are expensive and fall out of your budget.

RChilli offers the best price in the industry because it believes that customers should pay for what they use.  


7. Customer Service Response Time

Customer service is an important factor to be considered while buying a resume parser. The business relationship does not end after buying the product. In fact, the post-sales relationship is always more important. A trusted resume parser will always provide 24x7 customer support.

RChilli Support team immediately responds to every query and keeps the clients’ needs on priority. 


When comparing resume parsing technology, it is crucial to focus on key benchmarks such as accuracy, speed, data security, integration capabilities, support, scalability, and user-friendliness. These benchmarks ensure that the chosen technology not only meets current recruitment needs but also adapts to future requirements.

By evaluating resume parsers against these criteria, organizations can make informed decisions, leading to more efficient recruitment processes and better overall hiring outcomes.

Make sure you are following these benchmarks while choosing a resume parser.

Do you want to know why RChilli is a trusted partner for its customers? Schedule a call for more details or take a free trial.

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