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Start Hiring Millennials Through Social Recruiting

We are a generation of millennials. We highly depend on social media for both our personal and professional ...

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From innovative startups to HR Tech Trends Discussions to People Management, HR Events of June 2017 cover the ...

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Microsoft & LinkedIn Merger is Transforming Recruiting. Are You Ready?

There is much hurly-burly over the Microsoft-LinkedIn Merger. Considering the '$26.2Billion’ amount and being ...

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Search Quicker and Match Better with Semantic

Having data is not sufficient. You need actionable data, on which you can take swift decisions, even before ...

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Recruiters, have you started enriching Resumes?

You have tons of resumes stacked in your old database and you’ve not accessed it for a really long time, what ...

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Why Your Recruiting Software Should Be Social

and they are able to adapt as their industry changes. This change happens all the time in recruitment, as the ...

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Be a Hiring Superman with ATS/Jobboards

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Reigning jobboards

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