Annual Data Enrichment

Protect the value and integrity of your candidate data—EFFORTLESSLY!

Start Your Free Trial Now

Candidate data goes stale pretty quickly these days. And data that’s incorrect or out of date can lead you to overlook a great candidate, keep you from contacting them, or cause you to lose them to a more informed employer. We developed our Annual Data Enrichment solution to ensure none of this ever happens to you. It doesn’t matter how large your candidate database is, we’ll keep your records accurate and fresh with a comprehensive annual update—and with zero effort on your team’s part.


Our Relationships Give You the Advantage

In addition to our own internal data enrichment resources, RChilli has longstanding relationships with a variety of robust people/contact intelligence databases worldwide including Toofer, Lusha, Full Contact. This powerful combination ensures the accuracy of your candidates’ skills, work histories, licenses and certifications, phone numbers, email IDs, and more.

Keep Your Records Accurate and Fresh 


No More Lost 

Regardless of when a candidate last applied to one of your jobs, your recruiters will always have updated contact information. This is critically important for quickly reaching out to future-fit candidates and those who might be perfect matches to other open roles.


Compete for Top Talent More Effectively

Armed with fresh and accurate candidate data, your recruiters won’t lose ideal candidates to better-informed competitors. And they’ll match people to jobs better, faster, and more efficiently.


Save Time, Effort 
& Cost

It’s labor intensive, time consuming, and costly to update candidate information on your own, especially if you have a large candidate database. Plus, your recruiting team has far more important and strategic tasks to attend to. RChilli’s Annual Data Enrichment is a more efficient and cost-effective alternative.

What Our Customers Are Saying

The fact that we can work with RChilli as a partner and a company to continuously improve resume data accuracy over time is incredible.

Jim-Klien-Review-About-RChilli Resume Parser

Jim Klien

Sr. Director-Technical Solutions, Phenom

RChilli has been a game-changer for the company, enabling us to seamlessly transform unstructured candidate data into structured information that powers our innovative solutions. 




With RChilli, the ability to parse multiple resumes quickly has significantly streamlined our client's operations and improved the overall effectiveness of their recruitment efforts.


Erika Clifford

Co-Founder - Just Recruit

Our team has reduced resume screening time by 70%, improving client service and time-to-fill rates by 25-35%.


Michael Yinger

CEO, Resume Sieve

Kovasys is thrilled to integrate with RChilli and has experienced significant time and cost savings. Our recruiters now save 2-3 hours per week, resulting in monthly savings of thousands of dollars, making our processes highly cost-effective.

Alex Kovalenko Reviews About RChilli

Alex Kovalenko

Director of IT Recruitment

With the help of RChilli, recruiters productivity has been significantly boosted. Now, they can save up to 90-95% of their time.


Sujit Singh

CEO, Sharedpro