RChilli offers Skills/Jobs alias that can enhance keyword-based searching.
For example, searching with the keyword ‘Front Desk Assistant’ may give the users a few relevant candidate results. But what about the candidates who do not carry this keyword in their resumes but have the same experience as that of a Front Desk Assistant like Receptionist, phone operator, etc.?
RChilli offers alias for the job profile ‘Front Desk Assistant’ such as Front Desk Reception, Front Desk Receptionist, Front Office Assistant, Front Office Clerk, Front Office Receptionist, Full-time Receptionist. The users can use these alias and expand their keyword search to find the right fit.
RChilli offers Skills/Jobs Alias with a 97% success rate.
Users can create extra tags of resumes in search engines
Improve the search results by up to 90%
Enhance user experience by up to 92%
With the help of related skills/job profiles, you can get skills related to a specific job profile and vice versa.
For example, for a job profile ‘Head of Resourcing’, RChilli offers related skills such as Resource Allocation, Resource Management, Promotional Campaign, etc.
Thus, if someone has missed writing these skills in the resumes, Taxonomy can create an additional list of skills and help you in expanding your search on skill parameters.
RChilli also helps in creating weightage on skills and provides their proficiency level.
RChilli offers Related Skills/Jobs with an 80% success rate.
It helps you to tag resumes
on skills parameters
Identify even those resumes that missed having these skills
Expand your search results by up to 90%
RChilli Taxonomy has a unique ontology that sets a benchmark for storing resumes/jobs with its step-by-step classification of skills/jobs profiles. Extremely beneficial for Solr/elasticsearch engine users.
For example, the ontology for a skill ‘Java’ is as follows:
Information-> Software Developers and Programmers ->Programming Language -> Java
Easily organize your resumes
Easily find resumes related to a particular domain
Quickly close jobs
Once you parse a resume, RChilli offers remarkable information on skills.
1. Skills Block- The section of the resume that shows the skills of the candidate.
2. Skills Keywords- Any other skills mentioned in the resume e.g in the summary or the paragraph of the resume.
3. Segregated Skill: Skill keywords are further classified into segregated skills:
(a) Type- There are three types of skills:
i) Operational Skills- You can judge the expertise of the candidates through these
skills. These skills are considered while searching for the right fit.
ii) Soft Skills- These include communication, strategic planning, which are assessed
while interviewing.
iii) Behavioral Skills-These include core values, ethical values of candidates, which
are assessed during the interview.
(b) Skill- An ability of the candidate for doing a specific job.
(c) Ontology- It provides the information of the field from where the skill belongs.
(d) Alias- Synonyms of the skill.
(e) Formatted Name- The standard name of the skill. E.g Microsoft Excel is the
formatted name of ‘Excel’.
(f) Evidence- It shows the section in the resume from where the skill is picked up.
(g) Last Used- It gives the details of when the skill was last used by the candidate.
(h) Experience in Months- Total experience that the candidate has for the skill.