Convert Applicant Resumes to Salesforce Contacts, Leads or Objects Instantly
RChilli resume parser free up the recruiters from scrutinizing CVs and focus on recruitment. The intuitive software automatically populates the data fields like age, qualification, skills, experience, job profile, and certifications, saving the recruiters from filling candidate information repeatedly.
Recruiters Save Time By
Up To 82%
Enhance candidate experience by up to 85%
Complete Candidate
Onboarding Faster
Parse Multiple Resumes In A Go
RChilli Resume Parser or the applicant information extracting software gives access to the structured data from different resume sets. The recruiters can parse multiple resumes in a go and receive information automatically stored in Salesforce which helps them close the jobs quickly.
Easily import millions of
resumes overnight
Candidate selection &
hiring process speeds up
Candidate onboarding is
Within less than 2 seconds, resume data will be back in your database
Shortlist candidates
Saves data entry time
by up to 90%
Remove unconscious bias
Reach to the global clients enhances
Customers can choose candidates based on skills, education, experience, etc