Intelligent AI Solutions

Helping You Hire Talent That Matters!

Official Exhibitors of Ascend 2024

Meet us at Booth #512

June 17-20, 2024, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas

Innovation that Drives Talent Acquisition  


Skills/Titles in Taxonomy


Languages We Parse Resumes In


Countries Our Clients are Based


Build a brand for streamlined, accurate, & efficient hiring!

RChilli revolutionizes hiring with user-friendly automation, processing billions of documents annually across 1600+ platforms globally.

Here’s why we excel:

  • Fast Applications: Just one click to apply, saving time for candidates.
  • Precise Parsing: Extracts details from all 30 Oracle fields with top accuracy.
  • Great Capacity: Supports global hiring in 40+ languages*  with deep-learning technology.

Choose RChilli for a simpler, more effective recruitment experience!

Grow your company with a hiring approach that’s data-driven and fair!

RChilli elevates your hiring process by focusing on what truly matters—the skills and qualifications of candidates. Here’s how we transform recruitment:

  • Unbiased Hiring: Focuses purely on skills and qualifications, avoiding biases based on personal attributes.
  • Standardized Resumes: Creates a fair process with a uniform resume template.
  • Efficient Automation: Streamlines recruitment, prioritizing talent based on abilities, not aesthetics.
RChilli: Powering skill-based hiring for a diverse and competent workforce!




Redefine recruitment dynamics with hiring solutions that are efficient!

RChilli enhances your hiring strategy by precisely matching candidates to job profiles, thanks to our advanced AI technology. Here’s how we boost your recruitment efficiency:

  • Skill Mapping: Closes the skills gap with an up-to-date skills library, ensuring candidates match job requirements.
  • Dynamic Updates: A bi-weekly updated & refreshed database keeping the talent pool current and comprehensive.
  • Accurate Hiring: Our mature taxonomy gives the recruiter access to a list of skills & makes candidates searchable in the database.

RChilli: Streamline your hiring with precise candidate skills to Job profile matching!

Trusted by Many for Data Protection!

RChilli is ISO 270012022
RChilli is SOC 2 Type II Certified
RChilli is HIPAA certified

Stop By The Booth to Meet


Vinay Johar

Chief Executive Officer


Josh Adams

Director-ERP Operations


Aanchal Sharma

Sr. Marketing Manager (ERP)