As the job market gets competitive, companies want to upskill their people. With RChilli Taxonomy, you can quickly identify the skills you want to develop for a specific job position. Mapping the current skills with the required skills is an efficient way to find out the gap.
Use Taxonomy for automated skills assessments. You don’t need to rely on resumes for screening the candidates. If a candidate misses writing the skills in the resume, Taxonomy can help in filling them based on the job profile. This makes it easy to conduct automated assessments.
Take recruitment to the next level by making the most of your in-house talent. This approach creates a positive environment for the employees to learn and grow. Use taxonomy to create a skill database for each current job position you have. It will help you to use the skills of an employee for another job profile.
With the help of related skills/job profiles, get skills related to a specific job profile and vice versa. For a job profile ‘Head of Resourcing’, RChilli offers related skills such as Resource Allocation, Resource Management, Promotional Campaign, etc.
If someone has missed writing these skills in the resume, Taxonomy can create an additional list of skills and help you in expanding your search on skill parameters.
Searching with the keyword ‘Java’ may give the users a few relevant candidate results. But what about the candidates who do not carry this keyword in their resumes but have the same skill as that of Java?
RChilli offers alias for the skill ‘Java’ such as Microsoft Java Technologies, MS Java Technologies, Advance Java, Advance Java Programming. The users can use these alias and expand their keyword search to find the right fit.
Want to create your own job description? You can quickly build a job description with the related information of job profiles such as abilities, education, work activities, tasks, skills, alias, description, etc. required for a job profile. Now creating a job description is a super easy task.
Get various recommendations of skills and job titles. Instead of focusing on one keyword, get multiple recommendations to get quality results. The users can use these recommendations and expand their search to find the right fit. It will improve the user experience by up to 85% and help you in achieving your goal of customer engagement.